Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lots of Things Coming Together Right Now

Here we are in the midst of camp season and working like mad to keep going on the Missions Building. We are continuing to push to have the Great Room in some kind of shape to use for Week of Missions. Just what kind of shape we will know when the doors open on August 2.

A cool thing from 1st Jr. High Camp is this mural. We are backing the walls with strandboard, but until we get to the sheetrock, this mural will brighten the room.

Thanks 1st Junior High

The North Wall, door to the store room

The South Wall, looking through to the south entrance.

Soon to be covered with concrete. The corner will be the mechanical room.

Mezzanine level, door to stairs that are not there yet.

Framing for windows overlooking the Great Room.

The Great Room from the Mezzanine Level

The Prow, all it needs is windows to be finished.

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