Monday, April 27, 2009

Major Milestone

I've gotten behind in the updates on the Missions Building project. The last few weeks have seen the construction crew finishing up the edges. Now they are essentially done with their part of the project as we get ready to call for the structural inspection later on this week. The basic building is essentially done. Now it is time to turn towards the inside of the building. Next up is getting the sprinkler system installed and bringing in the utilities. Our next priority is to work towards getting the great room to a place where we might be able to use it.

Over the next month or so there are a number of work parties coming in as people are excited about finding ways to help complete this project. We appreciate your prayers, encouragement, and ongoing financial support. You can donate toward this project online by starting at and follow the "donate online" link or send your donation to the Camp identifying it for the Missions Building Project.

Looking West

Looking east, a view of the great room to be

The west entrance. The open space will be filled in with more windows
to brighten the reception area.

The south entrance, coming in from the Morse Lodge side. This will have
a foyer area as well as restrooms.

The east side facing the lake.

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