Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Taking Shape

The first few days they worked on putting up the structure were just beautiful, but today turned out to be on the rainy side. We heard from some of view that got snow today. So here the building is taking shape. You can kind of see the west section where the reception and administrative are will be. On the north side; the concrete for the storeroom. Then on the south side the concrete is poured for the direct entrance into the main room. The upoured part on either side is where the restrooms will be.

The crew is planning for the structure to be up with roof, siding, windows, and doors by the middle of March. Stay tuned to see.

Monday when the weather was clear.

Working on the purlins - have to check to see if I spelled that correctly.

Lifting material

Bolting everything together

View from Patience Hall.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You did spell Purlins correctly. Nice job. Chad Elliott, LCM contracting